You found your safe haven! This is a space where we discuss everything skincare and beauty related for women and men after the age of 35. Most companies target a beauty industry that is younger than some of our children so we decided to create a space for real people with real skincare concerns. We hope you enjoy reading!

Terrific Tummy Tightener Tricks

Linda Welch

Toning your tummy doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. By incorporating these simple exercises into your daily routine, you can build a strong, defined core with just a few minutes of effort.

Muffin Top Makeover

Linda Welch

Iif winter has left you with a muffin top that seems to defy gravity, fear not. Embrace the laughter, grab yourself some organic slimming gel, and turn the battle of the bulge into a hilarious winter fairytale. 

An Organic Skincare Treatment: Tummy Wraps for Love Handles and Saggy Skin

Whitney Rogers

When you first hear about tummy wraps, you might be skeptical. But the consensus seems to be that they are worth a shot.