You found your safe haven! This is a space where we discuss everything skincare and beauty related for women and men after the age of 35. Most companies target a beauty industry that is younger than some of our children so we decided to create a space for real people with real skincare concerns. We hope you enjoy reading!

What the Heck is Tech Neck?

Linda Welch

Constantly looking down at screens causes repetitive stress on the neck muscles and skin, leading to premature aging signs in the form of sagging and wrinkles.

TikTok Trends or Traps?

Linda Welch

With a 15-second clip and a catchy tune, a TikTok skincare trend can quickly become the new gospel. But not all that glitters is gold, especially when it comes to what you're slathering on your face.

Harnessing Nature's Healer

Linda Welch

Aloe vera is a versatile and powerful plant that can significantly enhance your skincare routine. Whether you're dealing with sunburn, acne, dry skin, or the signs of aging, aloe vera offers a natural and effective solution.

Avoiding Bad Skincare Advice

Linda Welch

While it’s natural to want to conceal stretch marks and signs of aging, it's essential to avoid methods that can cause further damage to your skin.

Demystifying Dermatology

Linda Welch

Have you ever wondered about what dermatologists do, their educational journey, the services they provide, the fees they charge, and the coverage of these services by health insurance? Read on to learn more.

Glowing Skin Across Generations

Linda Welch

Whether you're a Baby Boomer, Gen Xer, Millennial, or Gen Zer, the journey to flawless skin is paved with specific needs and targeted solutions. Adonia Organics has you covered across the generations (just check out our ingredient lists)!